Supporting Daily Exercise for Independence
LiFE Video
This training video was designed for Home-Health Providers but could also be used by other rehabilitation specialists. The 30 minute video is based on two important evidence-based exercise programs for fall prevention, the Otago Exercise Program for Fall Prevention and the Lifestyle integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) program. The LiFE program adapts Otago strength and balance exercises for integration into activities of daily living using various triggers in the home. Demonstrations of strength and balance exercises and how they can be integrated into regular activities of daily living are presented.
The STRIDE team encourages home health providers and other rehabilitation specialists to review this video and use the concepts and examples with their patients both in the rehab setting as well as for long term self-management if warranted.
Introduction to Training Video: Supporting Daily Exercise for Independence
Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing: Falls Care Manager Training Modules
Training Modules for Fall Prevention
STRIDE team experts and the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing developed a series of training modules to inform practitioners on fall risks and strategies for prevention. Review of the following modules is recommended for all exercise providers.
Module 8 Motivational Interviewing
Module 15 Vision Problems
Module 16 Unsafe Feet and Footwear
Module 17 Physical Interventions to Prevent Falls
Module 17b Exercise Instruction by FCM
Module 20 Postural Hypotension
Module 21 Medication Risks
Module 22 Home Safety Risks
Module 25 Self-Management
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Instructions for logging in to Falls Care Manager Course at IJHN